Everyone's wine dream is turning into reality. A new reality show, "The Winemaker's", first season ( Six 30 minute episodes) has been shot and will air beginning in September on PBS.
"The Winemaker's" deals with a group of twelve spirited wine enthusiasts from all walks of life.
The goal is to be chosen to create and launch your own wine label (production 150,000 bottles)
The series is shot in Paso Robles, California, where the contestants compete through elimation to bring the grape from the vine to bottle to your local wine store. We viewed a segment of the series and believe the show will be an easy hit.
Produced by Kevin Whelan and Doc City Productions, this South Carolina production company of SCETV is a signifigant supplier of wine educational films for public television.
Next year's series will be shot in the Rhone Valley of France and will have sixteen contestants.
Judges for "The Winemaker's"are Mark Oldman, author of 'Oldman's Guide to Outsmarting Wine'; Leslie Sbrocco, known for her book, 'The Simple & Savvy Wine Guide' and personalities, Lettie Teaque from Food and Wine magazine and Doug Frost, Master of Wine.
This looks like a breakthrough for all of the wine geeks of the world...a series about the true trials and tribulations of a Winemaker.
Our hostess for the evening was Hanna Lee of Hanna Lee Communications (212-527-9969).
Feel free to contact her about the series...and how to become a contestant...
You never know!!!
Philip S. Kampe
It's about time for the Wine World to be recognized nationally...
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