Thanks for the participation! I really appreciated your help.
Here are the top 5 quotes (votes here, by e-mail, OWC, etc) in the order that they were voted (from more to less):
1) Small people talk about things, average people talk about ideas, and great people talk about wine. – Peter Lanberg
2) Burgundy makes you think of silly things, Bordeaux makes you talk of them and Champagne makes you do them. - Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
3) Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself. - Basil Bunting
4) Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it. – Anonymous
5) What is better than to sit at the end of the day and drink wine with friends, or substitutes for friends? - James Joyce
We will only make T-shirts of the 2 top quotes and we need a little extra help from you...
Vote in only 1 quote this time please.
Thank you so much again!
I vote for number 1: It is so snobbish and can be so true :)
5 and sinatra did not make the list
Number 5!
even though my first choice is not in the list anymore, I vote for #1
I vote for # 1
I vote for number 1: It is so snobbish and can be so true :) [2]
I vote for #3
Number 1... and I wanna this T-shirt!
my vote is for number 4
Number 3!
My vote is for #5. I raise my glass to all the substitutes who await an opening. With the price of good wine these days who can afford friends who only carry corkscrews?
Zum Wohl--
Number 4 has my vote!
Number 2
Number 4. The rest are too pompous.
I'll go with #4...appreciate the humor!
Number 2!
Number 1 for me!
#1 is the best
Number five!
I vote for # 2!
#1 is Awesome!
Number 4 gets my vote.
I vote for #1 Brillat - Savarin was a verygreat writer on both wine & food.
1, and i would go with only that one out of the top 5
Two please
My vote is for #2 ... :-)
Definately no 4. Other quotes make wine drinking cheap or a god.
#2 - I love Champagne!
number 1!!
I like #5.
And the 2 winners were...
1) Small people talk about things, average people talk about ideas, and great people talk about wine. – Peter Lanberg
2) Burgundy makes you think of silly things, Bordeaux makes you talk of them and Champagne makes you do them. - Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Thanks for voting! I'll let you know when the t-shirts are ready.
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